We call our youth group “INSIDE-OUT” because that’s how we want our young people to live their lives, from the inside out. Many young people who grow up in church end up living their lives from the outside in. In other words, they just conform the outside of their lives to the expectations of their parents and the church while failing to have any real change of heart on the inside. They may look and sound like Christians on the outside, but in their hearts they may not have genuine love and passion for God.

Jesus said, “Out of the abundance of one’s heart, the mouth speaks.” In other words, whatever fills a person’s heart is what ends up coming out of their mouths and out of their lives. The Bible says, “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.” (Proverbs 4:23) So, everything we say and do flows out from whatever fills our hearts. That’s why we want each young person to make a genuine heart commitment to Christ as Lord and Savior. We want each one of them  to truly have a heart for God and love Him from the INSIDE OUT!

Focus on God and His Word

It is our desire to see young people grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We want them to learn about the greatness and majesty of God and catch a vision of what a life totally committed to Him can mean. That’s why we put an emphasis on regular sound teaching of God’s Word. We want Westview youth to live for God’s glory not their own, seek to win their family and friends through lives that demonstrate genuine Christian love and concern for one another.

We believe the primary responsibility for spiritual training of young people belongs to their parents. Therefore, Westview’s Youth program seeks to complement and not compete with parents in regards to that training. The first command with a promise for young people is for them to “honor their father and their mother.” That is why we welcome and encourage parental involvement in this ministry.

Youth Schedule

Inside-Out Youth Group is currently on hold. We’ll announce when we resume meeting soon.

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