open bible

The Bible is God’s inspired Word, the complete, sufficient and final authority for a life of faith and obedience to God.

The One true God exists in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit who equally possess the same essence and attributes. He is the Creator of all things. He is the absolute ruler in the universe, He is sovereign in creation, providence, and redemption.

God the Father arranges all things according to His own purpose. His fatherhood includes both His designation within the Trinity and His relationship with mankind, and Jesus, at the time of God the Son’s incarnation as Messiah. He is Father to all men, but He is spiritual Father only to believers. He has decreed that all things that come to pass will be for His own glory. He continually upholds, directs, and governs all creatures and events. He has sovereignly chosen from eternity past each one He would make His own through Jesus; He saves from sin all who come to Him through Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and God the Son, having existed in the very form of God, absolutely equal with God the Father and God the Spirit, He was then conceived of God and born of a virgin by the power of the Holy Spirit, true God and true Man who lived a sinless life and offered Himself on the cross for our sins, literally rising from the dead on the third day and now reigning from Heaven.

The Holy Spirit of God is the third Person of the Triune Godhead who convicts us of sin, righteousness and judgment, and grants to us new life through our faith in Christ and empowers us to honor God through a life of obedience.

All mankind needs Christ as Savior since all have sinned and fallen short of God’s standards, as such all are deserving of God’s judgment and completely unable to remedy their spiritual dilemma apart from God’s grace.

Salvation is the free gift of God’s grace received solely on the basis of faith in Christ’s sacrifice, not through any human work or merit.

The Church is the Body of Christ composed of all who have received Him as Lord and Savior and are given the responsibility to share the good news of God’s grace to all people and then to baptize, teach and equip those who put their trust in Christ.

Jesus Christ will return to earth to raise the dead, judge the world and reward believers.

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